Sunday, October 22, 2006


I guess its been a while since I have posted, and for that I apoligize (for the regular checkers anyway). However, I think you will find this post amusing. As you can tell from the pictures above, the jousting has taken place. Don't know if I ever mentioned it or not, but we though it would be a good idea to ride bicycles at each othere with helmets, body armor and at least 15 feet of 1" pvc pipe. The object of course, to knock the other man off his ride...or cause as much damage as possible. It was surprisingly quite a moral boost. Probably because we are just dumb enough to realize that the armor we wear does a pretty good job (at least for this) so the next time we do this we will only go harder and faster. I wish I could post videos beacuse that woud put your mental anugishes to rest and make you realize just how good of an idea this really is. Slingblade was my opponent...the goofy looking guy with the skull and crossbones on his chest.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Top) Usay and Kusay with their first ever house warming gift. Middle) Camel love for all. Bottom) Newborn sheep...Usay and Kusay were proud...notice my stache is gone.

Kuwait Zoo

Another day off....ah...what to do??? Well I took a trip with our Supply Officer off base to some of the other bases around Kuwait. We left extra early to make sure we had plenty of time to take pictures with local wildlife and catch lizzards. It truned out to be a pretty good day. One particular part stood out. On our way off base we stopped to take pictures with a local goat herder. He and his brother ( I named them Usay and Kusay) were very frinedly. They let us take pictures and ride their donkey. They wanted a picture of themselves and thier donkey in the background. So we took it for them. We decided on our way to the other base (which has a one hour photo...who knew?) to get it blown up and framed. We framed it in an 8 x 10 and found them on our way back to base. Usay and Kusay were happy to see us again. However; when we broke out the picture to give them, they almost fell over they were so happy. Their smiles were ear to ear and they could not stop saying, "brother brother, always welcome!" It was actually pretty neat. One of them ripped off his head gear he was so happy.

After that we fed camels, pestered sheep, saw a guy with a piece of meat on a string with a falcon swooping down for it only for him to move it again, we cautht two lizzards, found a stray dog and even kangaroo really, they are rats that hop around on two feet and they are the size of a guine pig.