
I guess its been a while since I have posted, and for that I apoligize (for the regular checkers anyway). However, I think you will find this post amusing. As you can tell from the pictures above, the jousting has taken place. Don't know if I ever mentioned it or not, but we though it would be a good idea to ride bicycles at each othere with helmets, body armor and at least 15 feet of 1" pvc pipe. The object of course, to knock the other man off his ride...or cause as much damage as possible. It was surprisingly quite a moral boost. Probably because we are just dumb enough to realize that the armor we wear does a pretty good job (at least for this) so the next time we do this we will only go harder and faster. I wish I could post videos beacuse that woud put your mental anugishes to rest and make you realize just how good of an idea this really is. Slingblade was my opponent...the goofy looking guy with the skull and crossbones on his chest.